by Kim Reyes
Broken smile
Torn skin
Eating less
So she'll be thin.
The world is full of kings and queens
To break your heart
And crush your dreams.
The boys will blind you
With beautiful words
Yet their words are lies
To make you wish you were deaf.
Tell me the story of how the sun loved the moon so much, he died a little every night just so she could breathe.
I stood at the end of earth
And at the beginning of death.
He took me to a cliff one day
He said "to have a picnic"
But as I stood on the edge of that cliff
He wrapped his arms around my waist
And whispered with a sneer
"If I give you the smallest push, you could die."
And all I thought to say?
"I know."
I ran till I could run no more
Staring into the never ending darkness
The black silence beyond me
I knew that I was on the verge of death
So I jumped
And never stopped falling.
She blinked her frozen lashes
And smiled in the cold
While the wind blew through her curls
And the sun was burning gold
All she'd ever wanted
was for him to love her
Yet he gave her hugs
And made her laugh
And swept the hair out of her face
But he had never loved her
He only made it seem that way
And she continued loving him
She asked him if he wanted a hug
He said he didn't like hugs
But then he said alright
And it wasn't just a hug
Then he held her for a while
And closed his eyes in her burgundy sweater
And she breathed the essence of his jacket
And they knew they wanted it to last forever
I couldn't see why you would ever love me
Still I told you what I felt
So you told me what you felt
And our feelings were the same
Yet instead you ran away
I don't know when it happened
I don't even know how
All I know is that I'm drowning
And I need you to save me now
You built me up
And fixed me
After I'd been broken
Just so you can take
The puzzle that is me
And tear it all apart
I've been hiding for so long
From monsters under my bed
When really they had always
Hid inside my head
I can't see the golden sun
I can only see the clouds
I can't see the deep blue sea
But I still can see the water
The same dark waters that drown me
The same black clouds that suffocate me
Yet when I do see the sky
The stars have gone away
And the everlasting night?
Well that is here to stay
My self esteem is low
My confidence is none
My insecurities are many
And you my dear, give me the happiness of one.
Broken smile
Torn skin
Eating less
So she'll be thin.
The world is full of kings and queens
To break your heart
And crush your dreams.
The boys will blind you
With beautiful words
Yet their words are lies
To make you wish you were deaf.
Tell me the story of how the sun loved the moon so much, he died a little every night just so she could breathe.
I stood at the end of earth
And at the beginning of death.
He took me to a cliff one day
He said "to have a picnic"
But as I stood on the edge of that cliff
He wrapped his arms around my waist
And whispered with a sneer
"If I give you the smallest push, you could die."
And all I thought to say?
"I know."
I ran till I could run no more
Staring into the never ending darkness
The black silence beyond me
I knew that I was on the verge of death
So I jumped
And never stopped falling.
She blinked her frozen lashes
And smiled in the cold
While the wind blew through her curls
And the sun was burning gold
All she'd ever wanted
was for him to love her
Yet he gave her hugs
And made her laugh
And swept the hair out of her face
But he had never loved her
He only made it seem that way
And she continued loving him
She asked him if he wanted a hug
He said he didn't like hugs
But then he said alright
And it wasn't just a hug
Then he held her for a while
And closed his eyes in her burgundy sweater
And she breathed the essence of his jacket
And they knew they wanted it to last forever
I couldn't see why you would ever love me
Still I told you what I felt
So you told me what you felt
And our feelings were the same
Yet instead you ran away
I don't know when it happened
I don't even know how
All I know is that I'm drowning
And I need you to save me now
You built me up
And fixed me
After I'd been broken
Just so you can take
The puzzle that is me
And tear it all apart
I've been hiding for so long
From monsters under my bed
When really they had always
Hid inside my head
I can't see the golden sun
I can only see the clouds
I can't see the deep blue sea
But I still can see the water
The same dark waters that drown me
The same black clouds that suffocate me
Yet when I do see the sky
The stars have gone away
And the everlasting night?
Well that is here to stay
My self esteem is low
My confidence is none
My insecurities are many
And you my dear, give me the happiness of one.